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Meya is a brand with an uncommon and charismatic core. It invites women to show their style with individualistic, sensual gemstone jewelry according to the appropriate occasion. When designing our exclusive pieces of jewelry made of gemstones and 925 silver, we don't think in well-known ways, but rather consciously go our own way and do not follow any particular style or fashion trends. The occasions on which the jewelry can be worn are varied. Many pieces of jewelry have a symbolic character and are therefore suitable for personal occasions of wearing jewelry. The pieces of jewelry made from natural materials are timeless and are expressive character pieces with charm. Each piece is made by hand. Commission rates Standard 10%. Personal and individual support for creators.

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Partnership opportunities

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Discount codes

Conditions of Participation
The following conditions of
participation apply to our affiliate partner program:
Participation in our partner program requires the
publisher to be of legal age and full legal capacity, as well as compliance
with all commercial legal obligations in the relevant country.
Only publishers who do not have the following exclusion reasons are permitted:
● that violate criminal law regulations, in
particular Sections 184 et seq. StGB (dissemination of pornographic writings),
Sections 86 et seq. StGB (dissemination of propaganda materials from unconstitutional organizations), Section 111 StGB (public incitement to commit
crimes), Section 126 StGB (threats of criminal offenses), § 130 StGB
(incitement to hatred), § 130a (instructions on criminal offenses) or § 31 StGB (depiction of violence).
● with content that violates common decency (including insults, defamation, humiliation, etc.) and applicable laws or the rights of third parties.
● who design a website or pages within websites in such a way that there is a risk of confusion with the advertiser's website.
● with forced click. Automated and misleading
redirects to the advertiser's website are not permitted.
● who operate online lotteries with and without
monetary stakes on their site (eg casinos, online games, etc.).
● that are not operated in accordance with the law.
● mislead end customers and advertise with false statements.
● with content that violates intellectual property rights.
The Advertiser reserves the right to check the sites listed above before concluding a contract with the publisher, but also at any time during the contractual relationship, and to reject the conclusion of the contract or to terminate the contract with immediate effect without notice if the publisher's website is one of the above criteria meets.
The publisher receives a non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable right to access the advertiser's website via agreed links. Solely in connection with such links, Publisher has the right to use Advertiser's logo and other materials provided for the purpose of promoting Advertiser's website. This right applies only for the purpose of establishing links between the Publisher's website and the Advertiser's website, which enable your end customers to purchase products distributed by the Advertiser.
The partners must observe Meya’s copyright and trademark law. All advertising material provided as part of the affiliate program is protected by copyright. Use is only permitted for use within the partner program. Changes to texts or images or your own advertising statements are not permitted. Changes to newsletter texts are possible after explicit approval. Manipulation of advertising materials or their incorrect use will result in the exclusion of the partner from the partner program. In addition, the advertiser reserves the right to take legal action.The advertiser's advertising materials available for selection may not be copied, but may only be integrated into your own website in the form of the specified code. You may not provide your own tracking link. Publishers who are or become active outside of their registered advertising space or offline must explicitly inform the advertiser of this in writing. The advertiser has the option to refuse this.In search engines or similar services (eg Google, Yahoo), booking the advertiser's brand name as a keyword for SEA is prohibited. Neither the advertiser's brand nor related or incorrect spellings or terms that can be traced back to the advertiser's brand may be used as keywords. Violation will be punished with cancellation of the generated commissions and immediate exclusion from the advertiser's partner program. In addition, the program operator reserves the right to take legal action.Cybersquatting and typosquatting are prohibited. Search arbitrage is prohibited. The use of Postview tracking or booking Postview campaigns on other sites is not permitted.
If the partner uses email advertising, the following also applies: The partner may not set up the sender address or the content of his emails in such a way that the recipient gets the impression that the advertiser is the sender of the email. When sending newsletters and/or email advertising, the explicit consent of the advertiser must also be obtained. The publisher is only permitted to send e-mails with advertising for the advertiser's partner program in compliance with the legal requirements (in particular Section 7 Paragraphs 1 - 3 UWG) and current case law (eg judgment of the Federal Court of Justice of March 11 , 2004, no. I ZR81/01) permitted.The publisher receives compensation according to the commission model stored in the affiliate network. Commissions are paid out on the net sales of a valid order within the affiliate program.The advertiser reserves the right to change these conditions of participation at any time and without giving reasons. The advertiser will inform the publisher of this via a newsletter via the network two weeks before the change to the conditions of participation and give him the opportunity to view the changed version. The publisher is then entitled to object to the changes. If the publisher does not object to the validity of the new terms and conditions of participation within two weeks of receiving the email, the changed terms and conditions of participation are deemed to have been accepted.If a provision of these terms and conditions of participation is ineffective, the remaining provisions remain unaffected. The invalid provision is deemed to be replaced by one that comes closest to the meaning and purpose of the invalid provision in a legally effective manner. The same applies to possible regulatory gaps. If approved publishers violate the general terms and conditions, the right to commission on orders that have already been placed will no longer apply. In addition, the advertiser reserves the right to immediately exclude the publisher from the advertiser's partner program and to take further legal action, including, if necessary, asserting claims for damages.

If you have any questions, please contact the advertiser's affiliate management.
